在NCIBI的Develop版块中,含有官方的APIs调用方法,包括了Entrez Programming Utilities (E-utilities)、BLAST URL API、PubChem Power User Gateway (PUG)、PubMed Central (PMC) APIs。
Parameter | Definition | Type | CMD | Allowed values |
QUERY | Search query | String | Put * | Accession, GI, or FASTA. |
DATABASE | BLAST database | String | Put * | Database from appendix 2 or one uploaded to blastdb_custom (see appendix 4) |
PROGRAM | BLAST program | String | Put * | One of blastn, blastp, blastx, tblastn, tblastx. To enable megablast, use PROGRAM=blastn&MEGABLAST=on . |
FILTER | Low complexity filtering | String | Put | F to disable. T or L to enable. Prepend “m” for mask at lookup (e.g., mL) |
FORMAT_TYPE | Report type | String | Put, Get | HTML, Text, XML, XML2, JSON2, or Tabular. HTML is the default. |
EXPECT | Expect value | Double | Put | Number greater than zero. |
NUCL_REWARD | Reward for matching bases (BLASTN and megaBLAST) | Integer | Put | Integer greater than zero. |
NUCL_PENALTY | Cost for mismatched bases (BLASTN and megaBLAST) | Integer | Put | Integer less than zero. |
GAPCOSTS | Gap existence and extension costs | String | Put | Pair of positive integers separated by a space such as “11 1”. |
MATRIX | Scoring matrix name | String | Put | One of BLOSUM45, BLOSUM50, BLOSUM62, BLOSUM80, BLOSUM90, PAM250, PAM30 or PAM70. Default: BLOSUM62 for all applicable programs |
HITLIST_SIZE | Number of databases sequences to keep | Integer | Put,Get | Integer greater than zero. |
DESCRIPTIONS | Number of descriptions to print (applies to HTML and Text) | Integer | Put,Get | Integer greater than zero. |
ALIGNMENTS | Number of alignments to print (applies to HTML and Text) | Integer | Put,Get | Integer greater than zero. |
NCBI_GI | Show NCBI GIs in report | String | Put, Get | T or F |
RID | BLAST search request identifier | String | Get , Delete | The Request ID (RID) returned when the search was submitted |
THRESHOLD | Neighboring score for initial words | Integer | Put | Positive integer (BLASTP default is 11). Does not apply to BLASTN or MegaBLAST). |
WORD_SIZE | Size of word for initial matches | Integer | Put | Positive integer. |
COMPOSITION_BASED_STATISTICS | Composition based statistics algorithm to use | Integer | Put | One of 0, 1, 2, or 3. See comp_based_stats command line option in the BLAST+ user manual for details. |
FORMAT_OBJECT | Object type | String | Get | SearchInfo (status check) or Alignment (report formatting). |
NUM_THREADS | Number of virtual CPUs to use | Integer | Put | Integer greater than zero and less than the maximum number of cores on the instance (default is the maximum number of cores on the instance). Supported only on the cloud |
import requests
'PROGRAM':program, #比如 blastp,blastn等